What’s on

Changing times

 On 1st February Brucefield Church will join in Union with Blackburn & Seafield Church as part of restructuring of Church of Scotland with both churches remaining open with Rev Sandra Boyd as Minister of the new Parish of Whitburn Burnfield Valley Parish (North), Church of Scotland but we will still be referring our churches as Brucefield or Blackburn. The Rev Boyd will be conducting worship in both churches and as has been stated several times, the times of services would need to change and so after discussion with both kirk sessions the times will be as follows from 4th February…

Sunday Worship

BLACKBURN AND SEAFIELD SERVICE STARTS @ 10.15AM (Sandra will be available from 9.45 if you wish to speak to her and teas will be served after service as normal) BRUCEFIELD CHURCH SERVICE STARTS @11.30AM and tea /coffee will be served after the service from 12.15 when Sandra will be available for chat. As we will all be members of the “new” church we will have option to go to either service and at both services there will a Deputy Session Clerk available to discuss anything “kirky”  We appreciate that this may cause some disruption but believe this is the only…